Welcome to my website.
I'm an MBA-turned-fictionista and a Virginia belle. When I'm not writing fiction, reading novels, or playing with my tabby cat, I might be day-dreaming of beach getaways, dancing flamenco, or riding horses on the sly.
Ever since I hid under my covers with a flashlight to read my first NANCY DREW novel, thrillers, suspense, and mysteries have always been my favorite genre of books. I crave the tension, the unputdownable pacing, and I'm always trying to solve the problem with the clues before the author reveals whodunit and why.
I'm thrilled to share that my Agatha Award finalist debut novel, THE HINT OF LIGHT, was released in 2023. If you enjoy micro-fiction, a dozen of my short mystery stories are also published. Hope you enjoy reading them.
Thanks for dropping by my website! Stay a while. Would love for you to join my mailing list and drop me a note.
~ Kristin